Tuesday 15 December 2009


So for tonight's blog I think I will try to summarise my experiences today, in verse!

Twas the morning of Tuesday,
and all through house four,
students were sleeping,
until a knock on the door.

Ollie awoke,
to find in dismay,
he had missed his tutorial,
and slept through the day!

He looked at the clock,
a quater past noon,
which he concluded,
"a lecture I have soon".

So he brushed his teeth,
and carefully shaved his beard,
then jumped in the shower,
but something was weird.

Instead of a trickle,
great globs of water fell,
someone had taken the shower head,
"Damn them to hell!"

So still smelling of sleep,
to his lecture he did go,
and he sat and he listened,
as his neighbours nodded to and fro.

Back to Eastwood he went,
hungry and tired,
regretting how late last night,
he had retired.

He searched through his cupboards,
to no avail,
for so close to christmas,
he thought shopping was fail.

Then behind a pan he spotted,
what seemed to be,
some chicken, some noodles
and red thai chilli.

So he threw them together,
with his culinary skills,
and it tasted good,
(but not as good as phil's)

Full and content,
Ollie went out into Bath,
searching for gifts,
down the usual path.

He looked high and low,
but the gifts he had in mind,
try as he might,
he just couldn't find.

Tired and weary,
his eyes came to rest,
upon acceptable gifts,
which admittedly weren't the best.

He payed at the till,
and hoped in the end,
they realise he tried,
and would still be his friend.

Remembering next,
his cupboards were bare,
Ollie nipped into sainsburys,
to buy chinese for those back at the lair.

After an arduous journey,
up Bath hill,
three mince pies later,
snow did spill.

Back in the kitchen,
after the snow had ceased,
Ollie did cook,
a veritable feast.

With spring rolls, noodles,
prawn toast and chow mein,
duck pancakes and seaweed,
their stomachs did strain.

Feeling really quite bloated
they went to lie down,
putting their feet up,
after trudging through town.

Whilst Mark went upstairs,
Ollie and JD,
sat glued to the screen,
watching The Big Bang Theory.

Mark reappeared,
with a box full of cake,
and a bag of fudge,
which his dad did make.

After a slice,
they couldn't eat more,
so they watched more tv,
until Phil came in the door.

The band was together,
so JD playing guitar,
coaxed Phil into singing,
they didn't get far.

Eyelids were heavy,
and late was the hour,
so they said their goodnights,
before sleep did overpower.

Brushing their teeth,
and climbing in bed,
their thoughts turned to tomorrow,
and what lay ahead.


  1. Ah, that's amazing, man! The people now demand regular rhymes. Well, Phil does.

  2. This is incredible.
    Maybe I should try my hand at this.

  3. I represent 'the people'. Write more!
