Tuesday 8 December 2009

Guitar Hero

So, apparently, I'm in a band! As lead guitarist! Now this raises some points that need to be tackled:
  • I need to learn to play the guitar...
  • I need to learn how to learn music (again, there was a brief stint when I was about 7 or 8 when I played the keyboard and sung in the choir, but I distinctly remember being able to read music)
  • I need to see if I can acceptably sing... (probably not)
Right, now I have learned to play The Pirates of the Caribbean theme song, and The Good, he Bad and The Ugly today. This is a good start, I can tell I made progress because my fret fingers hurt!
Our .... ukuleleist (?!?) Phil, now has a ukulele, this is win, and will definitely help the band. JD and Phil have been busy working on their first songs, where as I, have been more worried about being able to play the guitar than start rewriting my cover song (hush hush top secret). I will definitely have this done by the weekend.

I'm in a band! I have band mates! Life is good! Apart from terribad questions for physchem tutorial! But I ate KFC tonight! So life is still awesome! *gets increasingly high pitched until inaudible to human hearing, but the mice are impressed so its all good*

Last note on this update goes to Karys, uber thankyou in advance for doing your magic artist voodoo to make The Half Time Pies' wonderfulicious graphics! <3


  1. Haha glad to be of assistance
    Ill make sure it gets to JD tonight so you can marvel and then put it into use haha
    Have fun in the band!
    Im going to do a bit of guitar and singing practice now, but as not to annoy my housemates further, Im going to the park. haha

  2. yeah thanks again for the work on the logo, sure its gonna look great! i'm liking the band updates olli, keep 'em coming and glad your having fun

  3. Thanks Karys. :) Oli, at least you know what you're at!
