Monday 19 October 2009

Y T?

So tonight I was made an expertly crafted chocolate broastie by JD, and a cuppa. Now I've never been keen on drinking tea or coffee and since I hadn't tried either for a very long time, I thought maybe my palette had changed.

Apparently not, it tasted like someone had mixed some dirt into hot water (No offence meant to JD it was a 'good' cup of tea, certified by veteran Phil). So to be polite, I kept sipping away at my cup of tea, I think Phil and JD picked up on the signs that maybe I didn't like it. However, I then suggested maybe adding some sugar to it, wrong move, apparently sweetening tea is blasphemous in the hot beverage world. I added two spoons of sugar, this definitely took the earthy edge off the tea off and made it slightly more pleasant. However by this time the tea was getting cold, so JD noting the situation quickly disposed of the tea (seemingly forgetting I had added the sugar, much to his disapproval) downing the last 1/4 of the mug in a few seconds.
Sorry guys, I guess Tea just isnt my thing.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm I have started drinking Green tea. Its part of my new healthy scheme.
    Saying this I bought a family size apple pie earlier which I plan to eat with vienetta later on.
