Saturday 3 October 2009

Freshers week - the end of the beginning

This week seems to have occured outside of the space time continuum. It seems months ago that I was sat, nervous, about the prospect of moving to a different part of the country and knowing absolutely no one. I almost didn't come but I am SO glad that I did.

At college I was never one of the crowd, tending to shy away to the outskirts of social circles. However, I took away a handfull friendships that will last a very long time.

Quality > Quantity

Now, i'm not going to admit to being the greatest of conversationalists but apart from the alcoholic slur, im doing pretty well (sobriety and silence seem to go hand in hand with me). So already i've made more amazing friends in a week than I did during the whole of college!

Shout out to: JD, Joe, Mike, Gareth, Phil, Tom, Harry, Sam, Dickson for being the best housemates in eastwood (and possibly westwood in Mike's case).

Fresher's Week will forever be regarded as one of the best weeks of my life.
This may only be the start of many new experiences, but if everything is this exciting. Bring it on!

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