Monday 19 October 2009

Update on the Monster (Mash...du du du da)!

17:01 - Awake and and attentive during tutorial, chatty and talking faster than usual afterwards, met some nice Greek people in Nat's (chemistry tutorial group) flat on parade.

Side note its funny watching Greek people who haven't acclimatised to English weather (mwahaha, that's what you get for living in a hot country)!

Will now go to last lecture of the day, hopefully energy levels will not sharply drop during the oncoming lecture, leaving me incapable of maintaining consciousness!

Giggidy giggidy! :D

18:33 - Energy lower - still perky all the way through lecture, got to play with liquid nitrogen at the end of the lecture ( UBER fun ). Hopefully caffeine low will not hit until I go to sleep.

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