Sunday 4 October 2009

Pyromaniacs Anonymous

By far the best night of freshers was spent with gravity vomit on Wednesday evening. The fire n glow session was spectacular, and sated my deep desire for watching fire and shiny things!

Although I hadn't expected to be able to play with the fire that evening because I had only picked up a staff the night before. But to my surprise all those years of twiddling random sticks at home had paid off, and I was actually fairly good at it!

Now, the slow capture photos are not the best indicator but the first thing I learned was how to burn off the excess paraffin. This consisted of rolling the staff between your hands and flicking it up into the air and bringing your arm down on the staff. My attempts at this were a bit lame and often wonky, but some of the more experienced members kicked up some pretty big streaks of flame into the air. You could feel a wall of heat pass over you as people did this, which on a cold evening felt very good.

But the most attractive prospect of wielding a staff burning at either end is most probably the high you feel from knowing that you are playing with something dangerous. You have managed to tame this raw element of fire into doing what you want it to do (and of course make you look good whilst doing it!)

So in short, bring on next Wednesday!

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