Monday 19 October 2009

Caffeination 4 d Nation

There has for about a week been a rather large can of ominously painted energy drink in the fridge, which no one has dared to drink. Today, I shall boldly attempt to consume, and note the effects of thon drink on my energy levels thoughout the day. Aparantly there is 28mg of caffeine per 100ml, this is a 500ml can, so a nice total of 140mg of caffeine. To put that in perspective:
Choc bar: 35mg
Coke: 45mg
Coffee: 80mg
Stay-awake pill: 100mg

This may, or may not, allow me to stay awake in the 4 hours of lectures and tutorials this afternoon.
Its time to 'Unleash the Beast!'
P.S. If I don't make it, tell my housemates... the kitchen is going to be a complete tip!

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